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        作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新瓦工培训班开课时间:2011-5-26

          I. 听小对话, 选择图片, 每段对话读遍 (5瓦工培训学校,)
          1. What animals will the speakers go to see first?
          2. Which sports does Mike prefer?
          3. Where are the speakers now?
          4. How will Mr. Mott go to Beijing?
          5. Who mended the bike?
          II. 听小对话, 回答瓦工培训学校,, 每段对话和和瓦工培训学校,读遍 (5瓦工培训学校,)
          6.  A. The girl's.          B. The girl's father's.      C. The girl's mother's.
          7.  A. After supper.         B. Right now.          C. At 2:00 next morning.
          8. A. For two hours.         B. For an hour and a half.   C. For six hours.
          9.A. An English class.      B. A math class.        C. A Chinese class.
          10. A. Red.         B. Green.          C. Yellow.
          III. 听长对话, 回答瓦工培训学校,( 5瓦工培训学校,)
          第节:听下面段较长的对话, 回答第11至第12两小题, 对话读遍。
          11. What was Emily making sweet rice cakes for?
          A. Dinner.            B. Supper.                C. Breakfast.
          12. What did Emi ly do after the sweet rice cakes burned?
          A. She made some again.
          B. She bought some from a shop.
          C. She told her sister about it at once.
          13. Why does the boy telephone English-help Centre?
          A. He wants to join the English club.
          B. He has some problems with English.
          C. He wants to help others with their English,
          14. What is the boy weak in?
          A. Speaking and writing.          B. Speaking and listening. C. Only listening.
          15. What does the woman tell the boy to do ?
          A. Try to speak English as much as possible.
          B. Keep an English diary and listen to English songs.
          C. Join a language club, listen to the tape and learn English songs.
          IV. 听短文,选择正确瓦工考证培训,短文读遍(5瓦工培训学校,)
          16. What kind of passage is it?
          A. A story .             B. An advertisement       C. A play .
          17. What kind of people can become a member of that group?
          A. People from 12 to 18. B. All young people.C. People from 12 to 80.
          18. What can those people  do?
          A. Help patients in hospitals.B. Help children in schools.
          C. Help people in many ways.
          19. Who does Susan look aft er?
          A. Children.           B. Old people.          C.  Patients.
          20. What will you do if you want to join the group?
          A. Call them or visit them.
          B. Call them or visit their website.
          C. Visit their website or write to them.


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