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        作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新瓦工培训班开课时间:2011-8-19


         【2011?山东青岛】16. — Could you please pass me the book?
          A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn't
          C. Sure. Here you are D. No, that's no problem
          瓦工考证培训:C  【解析】考查际用语。根据Could you please pass me the book? “请你把书递给我,好吗?”可知这是个表示请求的般疑问句,故瓦工考证培训选C,意为“当然可以。给你。”
          【2011?山东青岛】17. Harry Potter is so interesting a book that lots of teenagers like to read _
          A. it B. this    C. that       D. one
          瓦工考证培训:A 【解析】考查代词的用法。由句意可知Harry Potte这书很有趣,以至于很多年轻人都喜欢读↑”。空缺处是再次提及这书,故瓦工考证培训选A。it=the+名词单数,特指。
          【2011?山东青岛】18. — Have you seen______ pen? I left one here this morning.
          — Is it___________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.
          A. the; the     B. a; a               C.  the; a        D. a; the
          瓦工考证培训:B 【解析】考查冠词用法。两个空缺处均是泛指,且都是以辅音因素开头的单词,故瓦工考证培训选B。
          【2011?山东青岛】19. The magazine___________ be Lily's, for we can find her name on the cover.
          A. may          B. might C. couldD. must
          瓦工考证培训:D 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。由we can find her name on the cover“我们在封皮上发现了她的名字”可推知这杂志有“定”是丽丽的,故瓦工考证培训选D,意为“定”,语气最强;而其他个选项都具有“可能”之意,语气较弱,故排除。
          【2011?山东青岛】20. Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years. Today it is still loved by______ the young___
          the old.
          A. both...and...         B. either... or...        C. not...but...     D. neither...nor...
          瓦工考证培训:A 【解析】考查连词的用法。由关键词still “仍旧”可推知具有将近百年的篮球至今仍被老人和年轻人所热爱,故瓦工考证培训选A,意为“……和……两者都”。
          【2011?山东青岛】21. Tom rushed into the house______ his mother was cooking.
          A. as B. before C. while D. after
          瓦工考证培训:C 考查连词的用法。从句意可以看出rushed into the house与was cooking是同时发生的,故瓦工考证培训选C,意为“当……时候”,引导过去将来时。
          【2011?山东青岛】22. Hello! I'm very glad to see you. When_________ you_________ here?
          A. did; arrive B. will; arrive C. have; arrivedD. are; arriving
          瓦工考证培训:A 【解析】考查动词时态。从I'm very glad to see you.“很高兴在这里见到你。”可知问的是“过去”什么时候“到达”的,故瓦工考证培训选A,般过去时。
          【2011?山东青岛】23. In the piano contest, my brother didn't play well and I did_
          A. very well B. much better  C. very good D. even worse
          瓦工考证培训:D 【解析】考查副词的比较等级。由题干瓦工培训学校,的my brother和I可以看出是两者比较;又由并列连词and可知前后是承接关系,即“哥哥弹得不好,我弹得更不好。”,故瓦工考证培训选D。
          【2011?山东青岛】24. You will achieve nothing _        you work hard.
          A. if B. unless  C. when D. that
          瓦工考证培训:B 【解析】考查条连词的用法。根据You will achieve nothing“你什么都做不成。”和you work hard.“你努力工作。”可知者是表条件的假设关系,故瓦工考证培训选B,意为“除非”,与if…not同义。
          【2011?山东青岛】25. — Look! There is a horse racing program on TV now.
          — Hmm .... It __exciting.
          A. seems B. looks like   C. feels            D. seems like
          瓦工考证培训:A 【解析】考查连系动词的用法。由exciting“令人兴奋的”可 知谓语动词必须为连系动词,而a horse racing program“赛马节目”是要“看起来”才合适的,故瓦工考证培训选A,意为“看起来”。
          【2011?山东青岛】26. — I suggest buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday.
          —_____someone else brings the same present?
          A. IfB. What   C. What if D. How about
          瓦工考证培训:C 【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意I suggest buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday.“我建议她生日送只泰迪熊。”可知瓦工考证培训选C,意为 “如果……将会怎么样?”表条件的假设关系。

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